Are You Confident Your 401(k) Employee Benefit Plan is Meeting High-Quality Standards?

A robust employee benefit plan is a key asset for any company. It helps attract top talent, improves job satisfaction among current employees, and boosts productivity. However, as a fiduciary, it’s

also important to demonstrate that your plan is being administered prudently and in compliance with US Department of Labor (DOL) regulations every year. Regulations included in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) are complex, change often, and can include harsh penalties for non-compliance. This requires an audit conducted by a quality auditor.

At The Whitlock Co., we specialize in helping private companies with more than 100 eligible participants that are required to meet these regulations. Our team of experts will simplify the complex compliance process, ensuring your plan aligns with DOL regulations and provide employees with the peace of mind they need. With our support, you can rest assured that your plan is up to par and positioned to attract and retain top talent.

Superior Audit Quality Control

The Whitlock Co. is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center. The Center is a national community of accounting firms that demonstrate a commitment to employee benefit plan audit quality and raising awareness  of the importance of these audits.

What You Will Receive

  • Timely delivery of a competitively priced high-quality audit.
  • A team of highly trained Whitlock experts that are members of the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center.
  • An evaluation of the strength of your overall plan’s internal controls.
  • Identification of potential plan and operational errors.
  • Practical recommendations on how to fine-tune internal procedures to save your organization’s resources and provide the most benefit to your most valued asset, your employees.

Take the first step toward a stronger and more secure 401(k) Employee Benefit Plan by requesting a consultation with us. Simply fill out the consultation request form on this page and one of our dedicated representatives will reach out to you promptly.

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